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Organize your own dialogue

Already 5,000 citizens around the world participated in We the Internet. If you want to implement a We, the Internet Citizens’ Dialogue in your country, if you want to recruit citizens and communicate about the event, here are some tools that might help you!

Run you own dialogue toolkit

You’re thinking of launching your own We, the Internet Citizens’ Dialogue? From on line to face-to-face and hybrid processes, find in this easy-to-use toolkit our four modules with step-by-step guidance, as well as key questions for launching group discussions and individual questionnaires.

Recruitment and
communication kit

This communications toolkit will give you the keys to promote the Global Citizens’ Dialogue to the general public in your respective countries. It includes rules and visuals to help you relay the information as widely as possible.

Get the conversation going

A video for each topic
Use the We, The Internet videos to start the conversation, they provide an overview of the issues and challenges related to each topic: from the origins of the Internet to the power of social media,data and artificial intelligence…

Internet and me

Everyone has their own vision of the Internet. But what was the world like before it arrived? From the creation of the first computer to the Internet and social networking revolution, discover the key dates that made history! This video is also an opportunity to better understand what the Internet really is.

Digital identity

It’s not easy to understand what actually happens to your personal data when you use the Internet! Which way does it go? Where is it stored? What is a personal digital identity?

Social networks and fake news / Tackling disinformation

We all use social networks every day. However, it is also through them that false information is conveyed. How to spot it? Who controls the information? How to tackle disinformation?

Artificial intelligence

Deep learning, machine learning, algorithms… it is not easy to define what artificial intelligence means: between opportunities and fears for the future, between technological and scientific advances and restrictions on freedoms…

Balanced Information Briefing

This briefing material is an introductory document to send to citizens a few days before the sessions. These have been translated into many languages, contact us if you need them in French, German, Russian, Spanish or any other language.

The lead authors are: Tereza Horejsova and Stephanie Borg Psaila from DiploFoundation (“Internet and me”), Anouk Ruhaak (“My data, your data, our data”), Chiara Ullstein and Michel Hohendanner (“from the public sphere to the digital public sphere”), Matthias C. Kettemann from the Leibniz Institute of Media Research (“Good news, bad news, fake news, real news”) and Chiara Ullstein (“Governing Artificial intelligence”).