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Welcome to your
Citizens’ Dialogue in Colombia

organized by Missions Publiques-Colombia

Join us for a day of dialogue about the future of Internet! During the day, you will meet other people in tables of 5-6 persons + a facilitator. During each of the 6 sequences, you will be introduced to a scenario, or asked specific questions. You will then note your remarks or discuss those topics with your table. Those notes will help us envision how the Internet is viewed around the world.
The event will take place on the 3rd floor of the Acropolis center of Bogota, between 9:30 and 18:00. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, please remember to follow the procedures. You will find them in the document below.

When and where?

Registration will take place from 8:30 to 9:00. The Dialogue will start at 9:30. Don’t be late, as we may not be able to find a table for you. Note that we will not provide child-care services. Breakfast and lunch will be served free of charge.

Event location

Acropolis Center
139, Main Street
39000 – Bogota (Colombia)

Event duration

Saturday October 10, 2020.
From 9:30 to 18:00.

Online registration starts on October 1st and ends on October 9th. It’s free! Click on the link below in order to register.

Preparing the dialogue

To prepare the Dialogue, you will just need to read an introductory text. About 15 minutes are required, but you can also download it for further review.

In the online version, you will find some explanatory videos about Citizens’ Dialogues.

About the organizer

Missions Publiques is a high-impact social entrepreneur whose mission is to bring the voice of ordinary citizens into international and global discussions and negotiations on societal challenges through the organization of citizens’ dialogues. We are set in Paris (France) and in Berlin (Germany). We get citizens and stakeholders involved to improve governance and decision-making. We work at local, national and international levels, drawing on the expertise of non-experts to enhance the development of public policies and corporate strategies.