FAQ (frequently asked questions)
What is a Citizens’ Dialogue?
Missions Publiques and its partners invite you to participate in an international and local Citizens’ Dialogue on the future of Internet. For one day, hundreds of citizens will meet, learn, and discuss in small groups of 5 to 6 people, assisted by facilitation and deliberation experts – so that everyone can express themselves freely. This dialogue will be replicated in different countries. The same instructions will be followed for each dialogue and the questionnaires will be the same for all countries.
A Citizens’ Dialogue is not a poll. The goal is not to come out of this day with a single opinion, which would be considered stronger or more valid than the others. Each voice counts, each voice has the same value.
Why organising a Citizens’ Dialogue on the future of Internet?
Over the last 40 years, Internet has changed the way we work, get our information and communicate together – for better or worse! Despite the fact that half of the world is still not connected, the technology has had an incredibly high societal impact. The upcoming developments bring an astonishing range of challenges for industry, governments, civil society and every human being.
So maybe it’s time we talked about it? Maybe it’s time we shared the visions of citizens who will be directly affected by the technology with industry and decision makers.
But I’m not an expert! Can I still participate?
Absolutely. It is not necessary to have specific knowledge on Internet or networks to participate; everyone can contribute, bringing their own life experience. It is precisely because the topic is dominated by expert views that we are organizing this citizens’ dialogue.
During the day, each participant will have access to documents, texts and videos that will allow them to be informed. In this way, everyone will be able to formulate an informed opinion.
What will the answers to this dialogue be used for?
By participating, you will bring a fresh perspective to stakeholders (local and national governments and ministries, communities, industry, NGO’s…) and enable them to obtain original information, reflecting the point of view of informed citizens.
Thanks to you, they will be able to take into account a range of citizens’ concerns and expectations, and learn about controversial, unidentified or underestimated issues or opportunities by the experts active in this field.
What will happen on the day of the dialogue?
When you arrive at the venue, you will be welcomed by members of the organization who will show you which table to sit at.
The day will be divided into different discussion sessions, each taking place in the same way. A video will be shared to allow you to learn more about a particular area of the topic. Then, you will be invited to discuss this issue with your group, assisted by a facilitator who will ensure that everyone gets a chance to expresses themselves and will help the conversation to be balanced. Finally, you will write your views down on a questionnaire provided for this purpose.
Breakfast, lunch and refreshments throughout the day are provided free of charge to participants.
I would like to participate. How do I register?
Simply complete the form you will find on the “Find a dialogue” page. You will later receive confirmation of your registration by email or phone, so don’t forget to include a way for us to contact you!
We will send you information documents on the topics of the debate a few days before the debate.
Can I invite a relative, a school, a friend to participate?
With pleasure! Anyone can participate. Simply send the online registration address to your contacts and ask them to complete the form.
Can I come with my children?
Unfortunately, no childcare arrangements are provided. However, you can come with your children, keeping in mind that they will have to remain under your full responsibility. Please note that a full day of dialogue and consultation may not be appropriate for young children.